عضویت در سایت

Cardiovascular Safety and Efficacy of Metformin as the First Line Medication in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes F- Hadaegh


  1. Cardiovascular Situation of Type 2 Diabetes Among Iranian Adults
  2. Metformin and the UKPDS, What Did It Tell Us?
  3. Post-hoc Analysis for Cardiovascular Outcome Trials (CVOTs)
  4. Meta-analysis Not Supporting UKPDS Findings
  5. RCT of Metformin on Surrogate of CVD and Meta-analysis/Systematic Reviews (Partially or Fully) Supporting UKPDS Findings
  6. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2019-2021,ADA 2021 Guidelines on Diabetes, Pre-diabetes and CVD and updated clinical practice guideline
  7. Real Data from Population Based Studies
  8. Take Home Massage